Radio Talkshow Episode 2: "The Role of River Care Community Group in CRB towards Clean Citarum"
As a part of TA ADB 7189 Awareness Raising and Communication activities, second talkshow was conducted on 19 August 2013 in two radio stations (PRFM and Rase FM) in Bandung. The second talk show discussed about the roles of community group in caring Citarum. The resource persons of the second talk shows were Mr. Didi Adjie Siddik (West Java Province Environmental Agency), Mr. Deni Riswandani (CSO-Rivercare Community), Ms. Euis Widia (Coordinator-Segment I of Citarum river care), Dr. Yuli Suharnoto (Hydrologist), and Dr. Siti Amanah. In the talk shows, mechanism of how the river care community group established was discussed, also the obstacles found in the fields. It is explained during the talk shows that the factories and industry around the Citarum River should take part to prevent water from pollution, from hazardous and toxic chemicals. To do so, the factories and industry should equip their factories with innovation and technology for sewage treatment.
Awareness Raising and Communication activity is a part of TA ADB 7189 Package E series of activities implemented by CCROM SEAP in collaboration with Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia (KLHK), Regional Environmental Agency of West Java Province (BPLHD Jawa Barat), as well as Districts/Cities local government in the area of Citarum river basin. The aim of awareness rising activity is to design and to implement awareness programme on the topics of IWRM to respond climate change in CRB using various media and approaches relevant to the needs of the multi stakeholders (government, community, business sectors); to increase knowledge and understanding of the target groups about climate change, the causes, impacts, and initiation to mitigate and adapt to climate change, in the context of IWRM-CRB; and to help transform behaviour of targetted group to be more sensitive to the issue of climate change and its effects to the water resources, and support the process of strengthening institutionin managing the resources.