Terrestrial Carbon Accounting Training (7-10 October 2014)
In September 2011 Indonesia government issued Presidential Decree No. 61/2011 as a strong legal support on National Action Plan to Reduce GHG emissions (RAN GRK). The decree orders all provinces to develop Provincial Action Plan (RAD GRK) for translating the program into sub-national levels. These actions plans should be in light of President commitment to reduce national emissions by 26% by 2020 or up to 41% with international supports, while keeping up with 7% annual economic growth.
Highest emissions in Indonesia come from conversions of peat land and forest to other uses (SNC, 2010). Land-based emission reduction will contribute 80-90% of national reduction. This indicates that changes in development planning, both at national and sub-nationals are necessary.
Local authorities and relevant stakeholders including private sectors play an important role to make sure the effective translation of RAN GRK into RAD GRK and complete realization of the actions. In addition, Indonesia REDD+ work has begun. There is a clear need for improving the capacity of carbon professionals, not only on the technical aspects of carbon accounting but also the policy context and negotiation issues.
Topical outline :
- Principles of terrestrial carbon
- UNFCCC National Communications and GHG inventories
- Key decisions at UNFCC and how these are translated into policies, institutions, and decision making in Indonesia
- Major elements of terrestrial carbon accounting
- Indonesian GHG inventory and REDD+ reference levels
- Interaction between GHG inventory, land-based mitigation actions and REDD+
- Climate and REDD+ donor funds including bilateral and multilateral agreements
Most of reading materials and online sources will be provided during the training including:
- UNFCCC decisions
- IPCC GPG synthesis paper
- World Bank Methodological Framework
- Multilateral/bilateral agreement notes e.g Brazil/Norway
- State of the Forest Carbon market Executive Summary
Students will follow a series of activities during the training including :
- Lectures
- Group discussions/Group work
- Evaluation/exam on case study
- Language: Most of lectures will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia except during sessions of non-Indonesian lecturer
Targeted participants for this first training are Indonesian carbon practitioners, both from governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Total teaching time in 4 days training is 26 hours, which is equivalent to 3 credits. In order to get certification, students need to follow all training schedules including lectures, group works and evaluation.
John Niles, Executive Director of the Carbon Institute; and Lecturer in Global Carbon Science and Carbon Accounting at the University of California, San Diego
Rizaldi Boer, Executive Director of the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University
Sonya Dewi, Senior Staff at World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF).
Bramasto Nugroho, Senior staff at Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agriculture University
Nur Masripatin, Deputy for Management and Institutional Relation at BP REDD+
Training cost
This training costs Rp. 5,000,000,- including participation fee, training materials, and accommodation. Registration without accommodation is possible, please contact us for more detail.
Please send an email for registration before 20 September 2014 to Kiki Kartikasari (kkartikasari@gmail.com)